About us

At MammoCheck, we believe that every woman deserves access to affordable and reliable healthcare.

Our goal is to make breast cancer examinations more accessible and convenient for women everywhere.

Early detection is crucial for simplifying breast cancer treatment and saving lives.

Alexandra Dimitriadou

Co-Founder / CEO

Marios Pafitis

Co-Founder / CTO

Athina Grigoriou

Co-Founder / Head of Medical Research

Our Team

Dr Andreas Konstantinidis

Associate Professor at Frederick University

Mobile Smart Systems

Dr Harris Papadopoulos

Assistant Professor at Frederick University

Biomedical Machine Learning Research


Dr Anneza Yiallourou

Surgeon at Breast Centre of Nicosia General Hospital


Karen Golmer

Innovation Manager

MIT Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation

George C. Summerfield

Patent Expert

K&L Gates

Panagiotis Kostas

Business Analyst

George Georgiades

Partner Technology Strategist

